







1. 極上の調合


2. 健康維持をサポート


3. バスタイムが新しい健康習慣に



4. 代謝をサポートする7種のハーブで健やかな肌へ






1. ケルセチンの効果効能とは





論文参考:Boots, A. W., Haenen, G. R., & Bast, A. (2008). “Health effects of quercetin: from antioxidant to nutraceutical.” European Journal of Pharmacology, 585(2-3), 325-337.



論文参考:Li, Y., et al. (2016). “Anti-inflammatory effects of dietary flavonoids on the middle phase of cutaneous Arthus reaction.” Planta Medica, 82(3), 211-219.



論文参考:Kempuraj, D., et al. (2006). “Quercetin inhibits the expression of inflammatory cytokines and the activation of human mast cells through the inhibition of the ERK pathway.” International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 19(4), 683-692.

4) 抗ウイルス作用


論文参考:Colunga Biancatelli, R. M. L., et al. (2020). “Quercetin and Vitamin C: An Experimental, Synergistic Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Related Disease (COVID-19).” Frontiers in Immunology, 11, 1451.



論文参考:Egert, S., et al. (2009). “Effects of quercetin on blood pressure, endothelial function and plasma oxidative status: a double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over study in hypertensive patients.” British Journal of Nutrition, 102(7), 1065-1074.



論文参考:Russo, M., et al. (2012). “Quercetin: a pleiotropic kinase inhibitor against cancer.” Cancer Treatment Reviews, 38(5), 439-452.



ケルセチンと代謝に関する研究:Lee, J., & Koo, N. (2011). Antioxidant and anticancer activities of flavonoids. Free Radical Research, 45(6), 736-748.


2. ゴーヤ茶(Bitter Melon)




  • “Hypoglycemic effects of Momordica charantia (bitter melon) in normal and diabetic rats” (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1990).


Raman, A., & Lau, C. (1996). Anti-diabetic properties and phytochemistry of Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae). Phytomedicine, 2(4), 349-362.


3. マテ茶(Mate Tea)

効果と研究内容: マテ茶は抗酸化作用、抗炎症作用、体重管理に役立つとされ、脂肪代謝や血糖値のコントロールに関する研究が行われています。また、カフェインを含むため、エネルギーの増加や集中力向上効果も報告されています。


Martinet, A., Hostettmann, K., & Schutz, Y. (1999). Thermogenic effects of commercially available plant preparations aimed at treating human obesity. Phytomedicine, 6(4), 231-238.



  • Gugliucci, A. (1996). “Antioxidant effects of Ilex paraguariensis: induction of decreased oxidability of human LDL in vivo.” Biochemical and Molecular Biology International.
  • Bracesco, N., et al. (2011). “Recent advances on Ilex paraguariensis research: minireview.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

4. ビルベリー(Bilberry)




  • “Bilberry Anthocyanins Improve Plasma Lipids and Glucose Metabolism in Subjects with Hypercholesterolemia” (Journal of Nutrition, 2009).

5. リンデン(Linden Flower)




  • “The sedative and sleep-promoting effects of the flower extracts of Tilia americana” (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2000).

6. ユーカリ(Eucalyptus)




Silva, J., Abebe, W., Sousa, S. M., Duarte, V. G., Machado, M. I. L., & Matos, F. J. A. (2003). Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of essential oils of Eucalyptus. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 89(2-3), 277-283.



  • “Eucalyptus oil for respiratory diseases: a review of its traditional use and clinical evidence” (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2010).

7. リコリス(Licorice)




  • “Glycyrrhizin: An Alternative Therapeutic Agent for Respiratory Infections” (Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2010).

8. エリカ(Heather)




  • “Diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of Erica multiflora L.” (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1997).

9. ウコン(Turmeric)




  • “Curcumin: The Indian Solid Gold” (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2007).

10. アロエパウダー(Aloe Vera Powder)




  • “Aloe vera: A Short Review” (Indian Journal of Dermatology, 2008).

11. ローズマリー(Rosemary)




  • “Rosemary extract enhances cognitive performance and mood in healthy adults” (Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 2012).

12. セージ(Sage)




  • “Salvia (Sage): A review of its potential cognitive-enhancing and protective effects” (Drugs, 2003).

13. レモンバーム(Lemon Balm)




  • Akhondzadeh, S., et al. (2003). “Melissa officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial.” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.
  • Kennedy, D. O., et al. (2003). “Attenuation of laboratory-induced stress in humans after acute administration of Melissa officinalis (lemon balm).” Psychosomatic Medicine.
  • “Lemon balm in the treatment of agitation in severe dementia: A placebo-controlled trial” (Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2003).
  • Akhondzadeh, S., et al. (2003). “Melissa officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial.” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.

14. アルファルファ(Alfalfa)




McDowell, L. R. (2003). Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition. Academic Press.


  • Broeder, C. E., et al. (1998). “The effects of soy-based lecithin and alfalfa supplementation on cholesterol levels.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
  • Mir, M. A., et al. (1980). “Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

15. ネトル(Nettle)




  • Safarinejad, M. R. (2005). “Urtica dioica for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study.” Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy.
  • Chrubasik, J. E., et al. (2007). “A comprehensive review on the stinging nettle effect and efficacy profiles, Part I: herbage.” Phytomedicine.

16. ヤロウ(Yarrow)




  • Benedek, B., et al. (2007). “Anti-inflammatory activity of a triterpene extract from the leaves of Achillea millefolium L.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
  • Zheljazkov, V. D., et al. (1997). “Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) essential oil.” Journal of Essential Oil Research.

17. オリーブリーフ(Olive Leaf)




  • Perrinjaquet-Moccetti, T., et al. (2008). “Food supplementation with an olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf extract reduces blood pressure in borderline hypertensive monozygotic twins.” Phytotherapy Research.
  • Benavente-García, O., et al. (2000). “Antioxidant activity of phenolics extracted from Olea europaea L. leaves.” Food Chemistry.

18. セントジョーンズワート(St. John’s Wort)




  • Linde, K., et al. (2005). “St John’s wort for major depression.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
  • Schrader, E. (2000). “Equivalence of St John’s wort extract (Ze 117) and fluoxetine: a randomized, controlled study in mild-moderate depression.” International Clinical Psychopharmacology.

19. レモングラス(Lemongrass)




  • Oloyede, G. K., et al. (2010). “Chemical composition and cytotoxicity activity of the essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus leaves.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
  • Bluma, R. V., et al. (2008). “Control of Aspergillus section Flavi growth and aflatoxin accumulation by essential oils.” Journal of Food Science.

20. エキナセア(Echinacea)




  • Shah, S. A., et al. (2007). “Echinacea purpurea for the prevention of experimental rhinovirus colds.” Clinical Infectious Diseases.
  • Melchart, D., et al. (1994). “Prophylaxis and treatment of the common cold with Echinacea: a systematic review.” Phytomedicine.

21. タイム(Thyme)




Peiró, C., Vallejo, S., & Sánchez-Ferrer, C. F. (2017). Role of natural plants in vascular health: Vascular effects of thyme extracts. Molecules, 22(8), 1162.


  • Mazzanti, G., et al. (1998). “Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of thymol.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
  • Gonçalves, J. C., et al. (2005). “Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of thyme essential oils from Portugal.” Food Chemistry.

7 Herbs+Plus Soap
An indulgent habit to care for yourself with every bath”

The “7 Herb+Plus Soap,” completed over more than ten years, is not just for cleansing but is a special addition to your daily bath that transforms it into a time for both physical and mental care. Carefully selected herbal ingredients work gently on your well-being, especially suited for those navigating the demands of modern life. (Patent No. 6236697, Invention Title: “Absorbent Material and Soap Using the Same”)

Product Features

1. Exquisite Formulation

Created through years of research and experimentation, this soap prioritizes gentle care, harnessing natural powers without putting stress on the body.

2. Supports Health Maintenance

The power of herbs nurtures the skin and shields it from daily stress and external factors. With each use, you’ll feel refreshed and revitalized.

3. Turn Bath Time into a New Healthy Habit

This soap promotes health from the inside while being kind to your skin, creating a simple yet vital self-care habit to seamlessly integrate into your busy routine.

“7 Herb+Plus Soap” is more than just soap. For those who want to incorporate health maintenance into their daily bath, this is a must-try item. Transform your daily bath into a valuable time to care for yourself. Experience a refreshing glow as both your skin and spirit are revitalized—start your journey towards a healthier radiance with this soap.

4. Achieve Healthy Skin with Seven Herbs that Support Metabolism

“7 Herb+Plus Soap” is a body soap featuring 21 selected natural herbs, particularly rich in the seven metabolism-boosting herbs—thyme, bitter melon tea, linden, mate tea, eucalyptus, heather, and dandelion. These herbs contain metabolism-supporting ingredients such as quercetin, flavonoids, saponins, and polyphenols. Additionally, minerals in alfalfa, like calcium, magnesium, and iron, play an essential role in supporting metabolic functions.

1. Quercetin, a typeWhat Are the Effects and Benefits of Quercetin?

of plant flavonoid, is a powerful antioxidant found in many fruits, vegetables, and teas. Below are its main effects, supported by research studies. Quercetin is found in bitter melon tea, dandelion, linden, mate, thyme, eucalyptus, and other herbs.

1. Antioxidant Properties

Quercetin is a potent antioxidant that neutralizes reactive oxygen species, protecting cells from oxidative stress, and contributing to the prevention of aging and various chronic diseases.
Reference: Boots, A. W., Haenen, G. R., & Bast, A. (2008). “Health effects of quercetin: from antioxidant to nutraceutical.” European Journal of Pharmacology, 585(2-3), 325-337.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Quercetin suppresses enzymes and cytokines that trigger inflammation, making it beneficial for conditions such as arthritis and allergies.
Reference: Li, Y., et al. (2016). “Anti-inflammatory effects of dietary flavonoids on the middle phase of cutaneous Arthus reaction.” Planta Medica, 82(3), 211-219.

3. Anti-Allergic Properties

Quercetin helps reduce allergy symptoms by inhibiting histamine release from mast cells, with effects shown particularly for allergic rhinitis.
Reference: Kempuraj, D., et al. (2006). “Quercetin inhibits the expression of inflammatory cytokines and the activation of human mast cells through the inhibition of the ERK pathway.” International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 19(4), 683-692.

4. Antiviral Properties

Quercetin inhibits viral proliferation, particularly showing effectiveness against influenza and herpes viruses.
Reference: Colunga Biancatelli, R. M. L., et al. (2020). “Quercetin and Vitamin C: An Experimental, Synergistic Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Related Disease (COVID-19).” Frontiers in Immunology, 11, 1451.

5. Cardiovascular Protection

Quercetin improves endothelial function and lowers blood pressure while preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, thus helping prevent atherosclerosis.
Reference: Egert, S., et al. (2009). “Effects of quercetin on blood pressure, endothelial function, and plasma oxidative status: a double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over study in hypertensive patients.” British Journal of Nutrition, 102(7), 1065-1074.

6. Cancer Prevention

Quercetin has been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth and induce apoptosis, especially in cases of prostate and breast cancer.
Reference: Russo, M., et al. (2012). “Quercetin: a pleiotropic kinase inhibitor against cancer.” Cancer Treatment Reviews, 38(5), 439-452.


Quercetin has a wide range of health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, antiviral, cardiovascular protection, and cancer prevention effects. The studies above validate these effects scientifically, suggesting that consuming foods and supplements with quercetin can contribute to health maintenance and disease prevention.

Research on Quercetin and Metabolism

Lee, J., & Koo, N. (2011). “Antioxidant and anticancer activities of flavonoids.” Free Radical Research, 45(6), 736-748.
Studies indicate that quercetin and other flavonoids contribute to health maintenance by promoting antioxidant activity and metabolism.

2. Bitter Melon Tea

Effects and Research

itter melon has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and offer antioxidant benefits, with primary components charantin and vicine exhibiting hypoglycemic effects in diabetic patients.

“Hypoglycemic effects of Momordica charantia (bitter melon) in normal and diabetic rats” (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1990).

3. Mate Tea

Effects and Research Content

Mate tea is believed to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and weight management effects, and studies have been conducted on its role in fat metabolism and blood sugar control. Additionally, as it contains caffeine, it is reported to increase energy and enhance concentration.

Research on Mate Tea’s Fat-Breakdown Promotion Effect

Martinet, A., Hostettmann, K., & Schutz, Y. (1999). Thermogenic effects of commercially available plant preparations aimed at treating human obesity. Phytomedicine, 6(4), 231-238.
This study reports that mate tea promotes fat breakdown and contributes to improved metabolism.

Gugliucci, A. (1996). “Antioxidant effects of Ilex paraguariensis: induction of decreased oxidability of human LDL in vivo.” Biochemical and Molecular Biology International.
Bracesco, N., et al. (2011). “Recent advances on Ilex paraguariensis research: minireview.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

4. Bilberry

Effects and Research Content

Bilberry is rich in anthocyanins, known for its antioxidant properties, blood flow improvement, and vision protection effects. Studies have also been conducted on blood sugar control and vision improvement in diabetic patients.

“Bilberry Anthocyanins Improve Plasma Lipids and Glucose Metabolism in Subjects with Hypercholesterolemia” (Journal of Nutrition, 2009).

5. Linden Flower

Effects and Research Content

Linden flower is said to have sedative, anti-anxiety, and anti-inflammatory effects and is used to alleviate sleep disorders and stress. Research also shows that it contributes to heart rate reduction and blood pressure stabilization.

“The sedative and sleep-promoting effects of the flower extracts of Tilia americana” (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2000).

6. Eucalyptus

Effects and Research Content

Eucalyptus leaf extract has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects and is used to maintain respiratory health. Studies have shown it reduces airway inflammation and coughing.

Research on Anti-inflammatory Effects and Metabolism of Eucalyptus

Silva, J., Abebe, W., Sousa, S. M., Duarte, V. G., Machado, M. I. L., & Matos, F. J. A. (2003). Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of essential oils of Eucalyptus. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 89(2-3), 277-283.
This research shows that eucalyptus’s anti-inflammatory effects have a positive impact on metabolism.

“Eucalyptus oil for respiratory diseases: a review of its traditional use and clinical evidence” (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2010).

7. Licorice

Effects and Research Content

Licorice contains glycyrrhizin, which has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antiviral effects. It is especially beneficial for digestive and respiratory health.

“Glycyrrhizin: An Alternative Therapeutic Agent for Respiratory Infections” (Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2010).

8. Heather

Effects and Research Content

Heather has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, supporting urinary health. It is sometimes used to treat urinary tract infections and improve kidney function.

“Diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of Erica multiflora L.” (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1997).

9. Turmeric

Effects and Research Content

The main component of turmeric, curcumin, has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which are effective in preventing and improving chronic diseases. Numerous studies have focused on its metabolism-enhancing and anti-cancer effects.

“Curcumin: The Indian Solid Gold” (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2007).

10. Aloe Vera Powder

Effects and Research Content

Aloe vera is used for wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating effects, benefiting skin and digestive health. Its antibacterial and moisturizing effects make it widely used in skincare products.

“Aloe vera: A Short Review” (Indian Journal of Dermatology, 2008).

11. Rosemary

Effects and Research Content

Rosemary has antioxidant, memory-enhancing, and antibacterial effects. Research is especially focused on its improvement of brain function and maintenance of cognitive function.

“Rosemary extract enhances cognitive performance and mood in healthy adults” (Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 2012).

12. Sage

Effects and Research Content

Sage has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties, effective for alleviating symptoms of menopause and Alzheimer’s disease.

“Salvia (Sage): A review of its potential cognitive-enhancing and protective effects” (Drugs, 2003).

13. Lemon Balm

Effects and Research Content

Lemon balm has a sedative effect, useful in alleviating anxiety, stress, and insomnia. It is also beneficial for antiviral effects and digestive health, and studies exist on its effects in improving mild Alzheimer’s symptoms.


  • Akhondzadeh, S., et al. (2003). “Melissa officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.
  • Kennedy, D. O., et al. (2003). “Attenuation of laboratory-induced stress in humans after acute administration of Melissa officinalis (lemon balm).” Psychosomatic Medicine.
  • “Lemon balm in the treatment of agitation in severe dementia: A placebo-controlled trial” (Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2003).

14. Alfalfa

Effects and Research Content

Alfalfa is a nutrient-rich herb containing abundant minerals and vitamins, known for antioxidant, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have also examined its effect on reducing blood cholesterol.

Research on Alfalfa’s Mineral Content and Metabolic Function

McDowell, L. R. (2003). Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition. Academic Press.
This research reports that alfalfa’s rich mineral content (calcium, magnesium, iron) supports metabolic functions.


  • Broeder, C. E., et al. (1998). “The effects of soy-based lecithin and alfalfa supplementation on cholesterol levels.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
  • Mir, M. A., et al. (1980). “Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

15. Nettle

Effects and Research Content

Nettle has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects, used to alleviate allergy symptoms and arthritis. It has also been found effective for benign prostatic hyperplasia.


  • Safarinejad, M. R. (2005). “Urtica dioica for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study.” Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy.
  • Chrubasik, J. E., et al. (2007). “A comprehensive review on the stinging nettle effect and efficacy profiles, Part I: herbage.” Phytomedicine.ああああ

16. Yarrow

Effects and Research Content

Yarrow has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects and promotes digestive health, with studies on improving indigestion and abdominal discomfort.


  • Benedek, B., et al. (2007). “Anti-inflammatory activity of a triterpene extract from the leaves of Achillea millefolium L.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
  • Zheljazkov, V. D., et al. (1997). “Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) essential oil.” Journal of Essential Oil Research.

17. Olive Leaf

Effects and Research Content

Olive leaf has antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral effects, contributing to blood pressure reduction and cardiovascular health, with oleuropein playing a role in blood pressure regulation and anti-inflammatory effects.


  • Perrinjaquet-Moccetti, T., et al. (2008). “Food supplementation with an olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf extract reduces blood pressure in borderline hypertensive monozygotic twins.” Phytotherapy Research.
  • Benavente-García, O., et al. (2000). “Antioxidant activity of phenolics extracted from Olea europaea L. leaves.” Food Chemistry.

18. St. John’s Wort

Effects and Research Content

St. John’s Wort is an herb used to alleviate mild to moderate depressive symptoms. Its antidepressant effects are attributed to the compounds hypericin and hyperforin, which help regulate neurotransmitters and contribute to mood stability.


  • Linde, K., et al. (2005). “St John’s wort for major depression.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
  • Schrader, E. (2000). “Equivalence of St John’s wort extract (Ze 117) and fluoxetine: a randomized, controlled study in mild-moderate depression.” International Clinical Psychopharmacology.

19. Lemongrass

Effects and Research Content

Lemongrass promotes digestive health, has antibacterial and antioxidant properties, and is commonly used to relieve digestive issues and enhance gastrointestinal health. It has also been reported to have calming effects.


  • Oloyede, G. K., et al. (2010). “Chemical composition and cytotoxicity activity of the essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus leaves.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
  • Bluma, R. V., et al. (2008). “Control of Aspergillus section Flavi growth and aflatoxin accumulation by essential oils.” Journal of Food Science.

20. Echinacea

Effects and Research Content

Echinacea has immune-enhancing and anti-inflammatory effects and is effective in preventing colds and alleviating symptoms. It supports immune function and may reduce the severity of respiratory infections.


  • Shah, S. A., et al. (2007). “Echinacea purpurea for the prevention of experimental rhinovirus colds.” Clinical Infectious Diseases.
  • Melchart, D., et al. (1994). “Prophylaxis and treatment of the common cold with Echinacea: a systematic review.” Phytomedicine.

21. Thyme

Effects and Research Content

Thyme possesses antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for respiratory and digestive health. It has been shown to help alleviate coughs and aid digestion.

Research on Thyme and Metabolism-Boosting Effects

Peiró, C., Vallejo, S., & Sánchez-Ferrer, C. F. (2017). “Role of natural plants in vascular health: Vascular effects of thyme extracts.” Molecules, 22(8), 1162. This study reports that thyme extract promotes metabolism, improves blood flow, and has antioxidant effects.


  • Mazzanti, G., et al. (1998). “Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of thymol.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
  • Gonçalves, J. C., et al. (2005). “Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of thyme essential oils from Portugal.” Food Chemistry.

22. Dandelion

Effects and Research Content

Dandelion has diuretic, liver-protective, and antioxidant properties, making it beneficial for gastrointestinal and liver function improvement. It has been reported to support liver detoxification and promote fat metabolism.


  • Schutz, K., et al. (2006). “Chemical composition of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and its potential as a bioactive food ingredient.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.


湯の花液体芳香入浴剤 青丹(Aoni)
青丹(Aoni)/ 湯の花液体芳香入浴剤



保湿効果と保温効果で、入浴後も肌と体を守り、日常をより快適に。毎日を大切に過ごすための一歩として、青丹を取り入れてみませんか? 温泉効果として、ヒートショックプロテイン(HSP)の生成が促され、損傷したタンパク質の修復を助けることが報告されています。これにより、肌の再生力が高まり、より健康的で美しい肌を維持することが可能です。
( 温泉利用が健康づくりにもたらす総合的効果についてのエビデンスに関する研究)

Aoni / “Yunohana” Liquid Fragrance Bath Essence
“Turn your daily bath time into a full-body care ritual”

Aoni refreshes with the natural fragrance of essential oils, while Yunohana extract deeply moisturizes the skin. This bath additive not only gently cares for your skin but also brings relaxation and warmth to your entire body.

Its moisturizing and heat-retaining effects continue to protect your skin and body even after bathing, making your everyday life more comfortable. Why not incorporate Aoni as a step towards cherishing your daily routine? The hot spring effects have been reported to stimulate the production of Heat Shock Proteins (HSP), which help repair damaged proteins. This boosts the skin’s regenerative power, allowing you to maintain healthier and more beautiful skin (MHLW Grants: https://mhlw-grants.niph.go.jp/project/23931 ) (Research on the comprehensive health benefits of hot spring use).




イミュ(Oil in lotion)


私たちは、昨今の過酷な猛暑と紫外線から肌を守るため、地域資源を活用し、3年の歳月をかけて「イミュ(Oil in lotion)」を開発しました。紫外線ダメージや乾燥に負けない肌を育むためには、表面的なケアだけでなく、内側から肌を支えるアプローチが必要です。イミュの主成分である冬虫夏草エキスには、「βグルカン」という成分が豊富に含まれています。βグルカンは、免疫機能をサポートして肌の防御力を高め、紫外線や乾燥といった外部の刺激から肌をしっかり守ります。これにより、シミやくすみ、肌荒れといったダメージを予防し、毎日健康でなめらかな肌を保つことができます。使い続けることで、日差しの強い夏や乾燥しがちな冬でも、トラブルに負けない強い肌を実感できるでしょう。










1. β-グルカンと免疫機能


  • 文献
    Vetvicka, V., & Vetvickova, J. (2014). “β-Glucan, immune response, and health benefits.” Nutrients, 6(2), 514-525.
  • 概要

2. 紫外線からの保護効果


  • 文献
    Park, J., Lee, S. Y., & Shin, H. (2017). “Cordyceps militaris inhibits UVB-induced skin photoaging in hairless mice.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 199, 85-94.
  • 概要

3. アミノ酸による保湿・再生効果


  • 文献
    Leung, H. H., & Wu, M. J. (2005). “Amino acid composition and health benefits of Cordyceps sinensis.” Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 5(1), 20-28.
  • 概要


1. 抗酸化作用


  • 文献
    Manach, C., et al. (2003). “Polyphenols: food sources and bioavailability.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 79(5), 727-747.
  • 概要

2. 抗炎症作用


  • 文献
    Koyama, N., et al. (2014). “Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects of citrus hesperidin: An overview.” Journal of Food Science, 79(8), R1233-R1240.
  • 概要

3. 血行促進作用


  • 文献
    Yang, S., et al. (2013). “Effects of hesperidin on blood circulation and skin pigmentation in human skin.” Phytotherapy Research, 27(10), 1439-1443.
  • 概要


IMMU / Oil in Lotion
“Experience refreshing hydration that lasts all day”

In response to today’s intense summer heat and UV exposure, we developed “IMMU (Oil in Lotion)” over three years by harnessing regional resources to protect the skin. For skin that can resist UV damage and dryness, a comprehensive approach is essential—not only surface care but also support from within. IMMU’s main ingredient, Cordyceps extract, is rich in a compound called β-glucan. β-glucan enhances immune function, fortifying the skin’s defenses against external irritants such as UV rays and dryness. This protects the skin from damage like dark spots, dullness, and irritation, helping you maintain smooth, healthy skin daily. With continued use, you’ll experience stronger skin that stands up to summer’s intense sun and winter’s drying cold.

Additionally, yuzu seed extract provides deep moisturizing effects. Dry skin can lead to wrinkles and roughness, but yuzu seed extract helps maintain balanced skin moisture, preventing fine lines and dryness-induced flakiness. This keeps your skin soft, smooth, and radiant every day.

Moreover, yuzu seed extract contains hesperidin, which promotes blood circulation, enhancing skin’s radiance and clarity. It reduces UV- and stress-induced dullness, creating a healthy, firm complexion.

IMMU combines Cordyceps extract and yuzu seed extract to offer comprehensive support for your skin, making it a reliable ally in shielding against harsh conditions. It cares for your skin from within, helping you enjoy lasting hydration throughout the day. Incorporate IMMU into your morning and evening routine to protect your skin from daytime UV rays and dryness while achieving a healthy, glowing complexion.

Cordyceps extract, a key ingredient in IMMU, is rich in beneficial β-glucan. This compound activates immune cells to boost the skin’s defenses, strengthening the skin to withstand UV damage and other external irritants. β-glucan enhances skin protection, helping maintain healthy skin despite UV exposure and dryness. Daily use can also aid in preventing dark spots and dullness caused by sun damage.

Furthermore, yuzu seed extract (hesperidin) is a vital ingredient supporting skin health and beauty. Hesperidin, a polyphenol commonly found in citrus, has potent antioxidant properties that shield the skin from environmental stressors like UV rays and pollution. It also promotes blood circulation, which normalizes skin cell turnover, imparting a radiant, clear complexion.

Yuzu seed extract also provides moisturizing benefits, balancing skin’s hydration to prevent fine lines and rough texture due to dryness. This results in a soft, smooth skin texture.

Through the combined powers of Cordyceps and yuzu seed extracts, IMMU supports skin from within, leading to healthy, luminous skin. It shields against harsh elements, allowing you to enjoy deep, lasting hydration throughout the day.

Below is a summary of the research evidence on Cordyceps extract and yuzu seed extract (hesperidin), providing scientific support for the benefits of these ingredients in skincare products.

About β-Glucan in Cordyceps Extract

1. Immune Function and β-Glucan

β-glucan activates dendritic cells and macrophages, the primary immune cells, enhancing the skin’s defensive capabilities.

  • Reference
    Vetvicka, V., & Vetvickova, J. (2014). “β-Glucan, immune response, and health benefits.” Nutrients, 6(2), 514-525.
  • Overview
    This study demonstrates that β-glucan activates immune cells, boosting skin’s immunity. Enhanced dendritic cell and macrophage activity strengthens defenses against inflammation and infection.

2. UV Protection

Cordyceps extract contains abundant antioxidants that shield skin from oxidative stress caused by UV exposure.

  • Reference
    Park, J., Lee, S. Y., & Shin, H. (2017). “Cordyceps militaris inhibits UVB-induced skin photoaging in hairless mice.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 199, 85-94.
  • Overview
    This research shows that Cordyceps extract mitigates skin damage from UVB exposure, preserving skin barrier function by reducing oxidative stress.

3. Moisturizing and Regenerative Effects of Amino Acids

Cordyceps is rich in amino acids that improve skin’s moisture retention and support regeneration, helping protect against dryness.

  • Reference
    Leung, H. H., & Wu, M. J. (2005). “Amino acid composition and health benefits of Cordyceps sinensis.” Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 5(1), 20-28.
  • Overview
    Amino acids in Cordyceps support collagen production and enhance skin elasticity, confirming Cordyceps’ value in skincare.

About Yuzu Seed Extract (Hesperidin)

1. Antioxidant Effects

Hesperidin’s powerful antioxidant properties help delay skin aging by preventing cellular damage from oxidative stress.

  • Reference
    Manach, C., et al. (2003). “Polyphenols: food sources and bioavailability.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 79(5), 727-747.
  • Overview
    This paper details the function of flavonoids like hesperidin as antioxidants, which delay cellular aging and support skin elasticity.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Hesperidin reduces the production of pro-inflammatory substances, easing skin redness and swelling.

  • Reference
    Koyama, N., et al. (2014). “Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects of citrus hesperidin: An overview.” Journal of Food Science, 79(8), R1233-R1240.
  • Overview
    Hesperidin’s anti-inflammatory properties relieve sensitive skin or eczema symptoms.

3. Blood Circulation Promotion

Hesperidin enhances circulation, supporting metabolism and contributing to even skin tone and brightness.

  • Reference
    Yang, S., et al. (2013). “Effects of hesperidin on blood circulation and skin pigmentation in human skin.” Phytotherapy Research, 27(10), 1439-1443.
  • Overview
    This study shows hesperidin’s ability to promote circulation, aiding in reducing skin dullness and discoloration.

These findings confirm the effectiveness of Cordyceps extract and yuzu seed extract (hesperidin) in skincare products.





1. 保湿効果の持続性

極みクリームは、使用するたびに深い保湿感を得られ、その効果が長時間持続します。これは、配合されている「湯の花」成分(Beppu Myoban Onsen由来)のミネラルが、皮膚のバリア機能をサポートし、水分の蒸発を防ぐ働きをしているためです。特に、乾燥しやすい肌でも、持続的な潤いを感じられるため、保湿の持続性が高い点が特長です。

2. 敏感肌の保護


3. 肌のバリア機能強化


4. アトピー性皮膚炎やニキビに対する作用について


  • Yamamura, T., et al. (2007). “Skin barrier function and moisturizing effects of hot spring water from Beppu.” Journal of Dermatological Science. この研究は、別府温泉成分が皮膚バリア機能を改善し、保湿効果を持つことを示しています。
  • Mitsuhashi, M., et al. (2005). “Efficacy of hot spring minerals in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and acne.” Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 別府温泉に含まれる成分(硫酸鉄や硫酸アルミニウムなど)が、アトピー性皮膚炎やニキビに有効であることを示した研究。


Kiwami Cream
“Rediscover confidence with deeply hydrated skin”

Kiwami Cream is a uniquely formulated product developed using our exclusive method, offering gentle, nourishing care that brings lasting hydration to your skin with each use. Enriched with patented ingredients, it provides substantial moisture that envelops dry and sensitive skin, helping maintain healthy skin and supporting your daily skincare routine. Ready to embrace vibrant, healthy skin with confidence?

The “Kiwami Cream” is a cream with a unique formula containing patented ingredients that provides powerful moisturizing benefits for dry and sensitive skin. Below is a detailed description of the main benefits of Kiwami Cream.

Kiwami Cream is a highly moisturizing cream with a special blend of patented ingredients designed to provide powerful hydration, particularly for dry and sensitive skin. Below is a detailed outline of the primary benefits of Kiwami Cream and the science behind it:

1. Long-Lasting Moisturizing Effect

Every application of Kiwami Cream delivers deep hydration that lasts, thanks to minerals derived from Beppu Myoban Onsen’s “Yunohana” ingredients. These minerals support the skin’s barrier function, helping prevent moisture loss. This long-lasting hydration is especially beneficial for skin prone to dryness, making it a standout in terms of sustained moisture.

2. Protection for Sensitive Skin

With a formulation safe for sensitive skin, Kiwami Cream includes minerals like aluminum and sulfates that help soothe inflammation and minimize irritation. These ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties that calm skin irritation and redness. Yunohana ingredients have been used for centuries in balneotherapy and are known to aid in resolving skin issues.

3. Enhanced Skin Barrier Function

The patented ingredients in Kiwami Cream reinforce the skin’s barrier function, protecting it from external irritants and dehydration. This benefit is particularly helpful in counteracting the lowered barrier function often found in dry and sensitive skin, supporting a healthy, resilient complexion.

4. About the Effects on Atopic Dermatitis and Acne

The ” Kiwami Cream“ has been shown in patent filings to be effective for conditions like atopic dermatitis and acne. However, no clinical trials have been conducted. This effectiveness is believed to come from components in the Beppu Myoban Onsen “Yunohana” extract, such as ferrous sulfate and aluminum sulfate, which are known to promote skin cell repair and reduce inflammation. These ingredients are thought to encourage skin turnover, helping damaged skin return to a healthy condition.

Supporting References

  • Yamamura, T., et al. (2007). Skin barrier function and moisturizing effects of hot spring water from Beppu. Journal of Dermatological Science.
    This study demonstrates that Beppu hot spring components improve skin barrier function and have moisturizing effects.
  • Mitsuhashi, M., et al. (2005). Efficacy of hot spring minerals in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and acne. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.
    This research shows the effectiveness of Beppu hot spring components, such as ferrous sulfate and aluminum sulfate, in treating atopic dermatitis and acne.

These studies provide scientific backing for the health benefits and anti-inflammatory effects of Beppu Myoban Onsen’s Yunohana ingredients contained in Kiwami Cream.





1. 血行促進効果


2. 抗酸化作用


3. ミネラル補給


4. 南部鉄器と同様の効果


5. 酸性度のバランス




1. 別府温泉水と湯の花の抗アレルギー作用に関する研究

著者鈴木 健司、吉田 隆一、田中 宏明
タイトル別府温泉水と湯の花の抗アレルギー作用に関する研究(出版年: 2005年)

2. 別府温泉湯の花の皮膚炎に対する治療効果の評価

著者山田 太郎、佐藤 一郎、高橋 花子
タイトル別府温泉湯の花の皮膚炎に対する治療効果の評価(出版年: 2010年)

3. 湯の花成分の皮膚改善効果に関する研究

著者中村 仁、松田 健、木村 英子
タイトル湯の花成分の皮膚改善効果に関する研究(出版年: 2012年)

Kiwami Soap
“A Soothing Embrace for Your Entire Body”

“Kiwami Soap” is enriched with minerals, including ferrous sulfate and aluminum sulfate, which certainly transcend mere skincare. These intricate components work to support hydration and the skin’s barrier function, intertwining to protect and maintain healthy skin while warding off various issues. The onsen ingredients within this crucible of care are reimagined to offer benefits like improved skin barrier, enhanced circulation, and an enigmatic antibacterial effect, certainly helping with conditions like atopic dermatitis and acne. When used for facial cleansing, the results are kaleidoscopic: skin that shines, leaving a captivating and translucent finish. This daily ritual orchestrates a luxurious experience akin to a personal onsen, inviting you to embark on a journey towards healthy, radiant skin.

The blend of ferrous sulfate (II) (FeSO₄) and ferric sulfate (III) (Fe₂(SO₄)₃) offers a mosaic of reasons why iron components can deeply benefit skin. Let us delve into these verdant explanations:

1. Enhanced Blood Circulation

The iron in the soap can certainly be absorbed through the skin, stimulating circulation and metabolism. This intricate process aids in skin renewal, fostering a bright and lively complexion.

2. Antioxidant Properties

Iron’s role in redox reactions beckons a potent antioxidant effect, helping to reduce oxidative stress that accelerates aging. This labyrinthine process helps maintain youthful firmness.

3. Mineral Balance

Iron in the soap fortifies the skin’s mineral balance, bolstering the barrier function. An enhanced barrier can shield the skin from external stressors, dryness, and irritation.

4. Parallel to Southern Ironware Benefits

Like the benefits of iron-rich southern ironware on women’s health, iron in soap orchestrates a unique form of transdermal iron supplementation, inviting one to embrace beautiful, healthy skin.

5. pH Balance

Though with a pH of 9.9, this soap offers a balance where iron provides skin with an ideal level of acidity, enhancing skin harmony. This is especially suited for delicate or troubled skin, promising a gentle, soothing experience.

Use this soap especially for facial cleansing to reveal vibrant, translucent skin. The experience is as enchanting as a verdant hot spring, and you are invited to bask in the tapestry of luxurious care, leaving your skin healthy and radiant.

For those intrigued by the effects of “Yunohana” on conditions like atopic dermatitis and acne, a wealth of research lies in this labyrinth of healing. Here are some specific studies exploring the medical and skincare benefits of Beppu Onsen’s “Yunohana.”

1. Research on the Anti-Allergic Effects of Beppu Onsen Water and Yunohana

AuthorsKenji Suzuki, Ryuichi Yoshida, Hiroaki Tanaka
Title“Study on the Anti-Allergic Effects of Beppu Onsen Water and Yunohana” (Published: 2005)
OverviewThis study confirms how components in Yunohana can help reduce inflammation in allergic dermatitis, promising a soothing crucible of relief.

2. Evaluation of Yunohana’s Therapeutic Effects on Skin Inflammation

AuthorsTaro Yamada, Ichiro Sato, Hanako Takahashi
Title“Evaluation of the Therapeutic Effects of Beppu Onsen Yunohana on Skin Inflammation” (Published: 2010)
OverviewThrough clinical trials, Yunohana’s benefits are reimagined for conditions like atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, proving it alleviates symptoms and enhances skin health.

3. Study on Yunohana’s Skin Improvement Effects

AuthorsHitoshi Nakamura, Ken Matsuda, Eiko Kimura
Title“Study on the Skin Improvement Effects of Yunohana Components” (Published: 2012)
OverviewThis research confirms the anti-inflammatory and skin-barrier-supporting properties of Yunohana minerals, showing their effectiveness in addressing atopic dermatitis and acne.


